Udržitelné plechovky - testované podle švábských norem kvality

Teedose Bird Sina rund 100g

Bird Sina rund Teedose und Gewürzdose Runde Dose

Round plug lid tin made of electrolytic tinplate; Dimensions: Ø 65/110 mm; printed

  • Art. 2405
  • Rozměr: Ø 65 x 110 mm
  • Jedna balicí jednotka obsahuje 12 kusů

Our exclusive and unique tea caddy is a real beauty and perfect for storing high-quality tea in style. With a special, exclusively printed lid and a unique feel, this metal tin is a real feast for the eyes.


Skladem, Doba dodání: 2-3 Dny

Jednotková cena:
1,31 € instead 1,45 € -10%
PU (12 kusů):
15,66 € instead 17,40 € -10%
plus DPH 19% plus. Náklady na dopravu
Množství PU:
Přidat do košíku
Teedose Bird Sina rund 100g

Our focus on quality is evident in every facet of this tea caddy. From the high-quality material to the exclusive design of the lid - we pay great attention to every detail to ensure that your tea storage experience is a memorable one.

Our tea caddies are sustainably produced and help reduce the ecological footprint. As a manufacturer, we offer you the opportunity to purchase customised tea caddies directly from stock for orders of 2,000 or more. This allows you fast delivery times and a customised solution for your tea packaging.

Our unique tea caddies are not only packaging, but also a statement. They will impress your customers and give your tea a very special home.

Choose our exclusive tea caddy to store your high quality tea in style and receive a unique service. Contact us today to place your order and we will be happy to help you design the perfect tea caddy to meet your requirements and demand for quality.

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* Pokud není uvedeno jinak, všechny ceny jsou uvedeny bez DPH a nákladů na dopravu.